Colchester Natural History Society
Sending us your records
Our wildlife recorders are on hand to confirm your wildlife sightings and record them so that we have an up to date record of the species in our area. If you want to submit your sightings then please email our recorders (preferably with a photo of what you've seen) and include as much detail as possible. A basic record consists of the following pieces of information:
Species name
Date seen
Location (OS Grid Reference, map link, description etc.)
Any other useful notes or information
We may be able to identify a species from footprints, feeding remains, droppings etc so please feel free to send us information about field signs even if you haven't seen the species itself. Also please remember that even dead animals should be reported as this is still a valid record.
Plants: Dr Stephen Clarkson - plants@CNHS.uk​​
Plant galls: Jerry Bowdrey - galls@CNHS.uk
Sarah Manning - fungi@CNHS.uk​
Dougal Urquhart - birds@CNHS.uk​
Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians
Darren Tansley - mammals@CNHS.uk
Invertebrates ​
Butterflies, Dragonflies, Grasshoppers, Bumblebees: Prof Ted Benton - butterflies@CNHS.uk​
Moths: Dougal Urquhart - moths@CNHS.uk​
Hoverflies, Soldierflies and their allies (diptera): Russell Leavett - flies@CNHS.uk​​
Freshwater fish: Ernie Wells - fish@CNHS.uk​
Molluscs: Simon Taylor - molluscs@CNHS.uk​
Aquatic invertebrates and plants: Pam Wilson - aquatics@CNHS.uk
Newsletter submissions and queries
Frank Black - cervus@CNHS.uk
Website programming
Oliver Dhakal - web@CNHS.uk
Coach trip bookings
Pascale Genevois - coach@CNHS.uk
Dougal Urquhart - chair@CNHS.uk
Vice chairman
Darren Tansley - vicechair@CNHS.uk
Sven Wair - secretary@CNHS.uk
Michael Padmore - treasurer@CNHS.uk
Membership Enquiries
Pascale Genevois - membership@CNHS.uk
Prof Ted Benton - president@CNHS.uk