Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of Colchester Natural History Society
To take place on Tuesday, 31 January 2023 at 8.00pm at Old Heath Community Centre, D’Arcy Road, Colchester
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Chair’s opening remarks
3. Minutes of the 2022 AGM
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Chair’s Report
6. Election/re-election of Officers and Committee members
NB There are currently two vacancies for Committee Members according to the provisions of the Society’s rules. Nominations would be welcomed.
Break for refreshments
7. Report on local planning issues (Peter Hewitt)
8. Invertebrates Reports
9. Bird Report
10. Botanical Report
11. Mammal Report
12. Rose Bowl Photographic Competition Award
13. Bree Trophy Award
14. Concluding remarks
Current Officers and Committee
Officers Ted Benton (President)
Dougal Urquhart (Chair)
Sven Wair (Secretary)
Michael Padmore (Treasurer)
Darren Tansley (Vice Chair)
Committee Members
Carla Davis
Denise Byrne
Ernie Wells
Liz Cutting
Martin Byrne
Pascale Genevois (Membership Secretary)
Roy Read
Russell Leavett (Editor of Cervus and Nature in North East Essex)
Sarah Manning